Grayscale is helping to tell the amazing untold story of a Haitian entrepreneur, Laurent S. Lamothe, who accidentally became Prime Minister of Haiti, then helped rebuild the country (post-earthquake) in 932 days.

Laurent S. Lamothe was the youngest and longest serving Prime Minister of Haiti in modern times. During his tenure which began just after the massive earthquake which devastated Haiti in 2010, Lamothe presided over the design and implementation of an important social policy agenda targeting the poorest sectors of the Haitian population; a massive nationwide building effort including schools, bridges, and roads that are clearly visible throughout Haiti today; and a direct foreign investment strategy that saw such investment increase to its highest level in a generation.

Philip Holsinger is an American photojournalist and writer reporting in the immersive, first-person style of the Gonzo tradition. Holsinger has worked in some of the world’s most volatile regions observing conflicts and human peril, including the aftermath of Balkans war, the effects of Southeast Asia’s drug war, and Nicaragua’s Miskito region once at the heart of the Iran-Contra affair. His work is displayed in mixed-media exhibitions and through mostly private contract reporting.

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