Let us introduce you to Grayscale Marketing’s founding father, Tim Gray!
After experiencing the 2015 marketing burnout firsthand, Tim saw a gap in the industry. After hiring marketing agency after marketing agency to help his artist management firm, Grayscale Entertainment, Tim was getting anything but desirable results.
The entrepreneurial fire inside him was burning and burning bright, and thus was the beginning of Grayscale Entertainment Marketing. With 15 years of experience in creative branding, event ticketing, concert promotion, booking, management, video production & photography and sponsorships, it’s not surprise Grayscale has become an award-winning company in such a short amount of time.

In addition to his extraordinary business efforts, Gray works to inspire those around him, serving as both a philanthropic and motivational leader. When he’s not hosting The Golden Rules, a podcast and web series focusing on the lives and businesses of today’s music industry executives, Tim serves on countless board around Nashville, including Musicpreneur Storehouse, Alumni Advisory Council (AAC) for MTSU College of Media and Entertainment and Music Makes Us (MMU).
Grayscale: Who would you want to narrate your life?
Tim: Morgan Freeman or Christopher Walken
Grayscale: What movie quotes do you use on a regular basis?
Tim: Maybe a 5-way tie between The Hangover, Boiler Room, Groundhog Day, Glengarry Glen Ross and Finding Nemo.
“It’s not a man purse. It’s called a satchel. Indiana Jones wears one.”
“ABC. 'A,' always. 'B,' be. ‘C, 'closing. ALWAYS BE CLOSING. Always be closing. Put that coffee down!! Coffee's for closers only."
"Okay campers, rise and shine, and don't forget your booties cause it's cold out there. It’s cold out there every day."
"There's an important phrase that we use here, and think it's time that you all learned it. Act as if."
"Es-cap-ay. That's funny, it's spelled just like ‘Escape'."
"Just keep swimming."
Grayscale: What is your "motto" in life?
Tim: Watch your thoughts; for they become words. Watch your words; for they become actions. Watch your actions; for they become habits. Watch your habits; for they become character. Watch your character for it will become your destiny.
For more information about Tim and Grayscale, check out his official bio.